Electrical – several live polarity incidents have been reported on by Worksafe and this alert outlines some of the failings and actions
Company liquidation to avoid prosecution. “Individuals and directors have a range of health and safety responsibilities and liquidating your company does not absolve you of them,” says WorkSafe’s area investigation manager, Danielle Henry. Check out this case and the court findings when a painting contractor fell to his death while spray painting in Auckland.
Childs death prompts a warning to check vehicle towing gear – The death of a nine-year-old girl in a Northland traffic crash has been traced back to a badly worn down towball and coupling on a trailer used by a local trucking business.
Mammoth Slide Operator
Health & Safety procedures are everyone’s responsibility, and these are put in place so that we do not endanger people’s lives. Just as in every other sector, Entertainment services also are bound by the same obligations and responsibilities.
A recent news article highlights the importance of adhering to safety procedures and learning from past mistakes.
The incident also reminds us of Murphy’s Law : “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.”. Therefore, we need to be prepared for such events. Health & Safety plans are prepared and implemented to reduce such risks and prepared for unforeseen events. Once these plans are in place, the first step is taken. The next steps become easier: putting the plan in place and allocating resources to execute it.
The prime risk is losing lives, although that is not the only risk. Other risks include losing money to compensate or pay fines, which is evident from this example. Foregoing efforts in Health & Safety measures are certainly costing companies, heavily.