Workplace exposure monitoring refers to the process of measuring concentrations of hazardous substances, such as chemical vapours, gases, dusts, and fumes, that workers may be exposed to on the job. The goal of workplace exposure monitoring is to prevent or control worker exposure to hazardous substances in order to protect their health.
Exposure monitoring will help to quantify the concentrations of hazardous substances your workforce is exposed to. These concentrations can then be compared to the Workplace Exposure Standards (WES) to identify what controls (if any) are required to reduce exposure to as low as is reasonably practicable, thereby reducing the health risks.
The latest workplace exposure standards can be found on Worksafe NZ website. We also offer assistance with Personal protective and respiratory protective equipment including respirator fit testing.
Our consultants have a range of qualifications and experience that allow us to tailor workplace exposure monitoring to your specific needs. Our reports are to the point and are presented in a way that requires little knowledge in exposure monitoring to understand. We take a pragmatic approach to recommending workplace controls that are cost-effective and specific to the tasks assessed.
Download our brochure for more information on how we can assist you with your monitoring needs. It includes information on the following services: Dust and Particulate monitoring, Volatile & Semi-volatile organic compound monitoring, gas and vapour monitoring, weld fume and heavy metal analysis, ventilation assessments, noise monitoring, hazardous substance training and compliance, Biological (mold and spores), surface and material testing, thermal environment assessments, respirator fit testing, vibration monitoring, indoor air quality assessments, respiratory and hearing protection programs, bioaerosol monitoring, confined space entry and monitoring, and biological exposure monitoring.