SafePlus is a joint initiative between WorkSafe NZ, ACC and MBIE that has established a new voluntary health and safety performance toolkit for NZ business. It defines what good health and safety looks like, above and beyond minimum compliance. It is anticipated that this product will help NZ achieve the Government target of reducing the workplace death and injury toll by 25 percent.
Check out the ten (10) performance criteria here.
Safe and Sound have had both Jerry Stock and Charles de Lambert admitted to the accredited assessor panel so if you think this product may fit your safety programme then please contact us for more information or a quote or 0800-723376.
In our previous newsletters we have talked about ISO 45001 as an international standard for Health and Safety Management Systems. We can now report that this standard has been approved by International Standards Organisation and it will soon be published and available for purchase. Charles recently presented at the NZISM training day so if want a copy of this presentation let us know. If you are trading internationally or owned and operated by an international company then it is highly likely that this standard will be adopted for you to work towards.